DEW: Brain Tickles

Sep 20, 2014 19:47

Rating: PG
Character: Abaddon, Josie Sands
Word Count: 100
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Not mine.

She could feel them, throbbing deep inside her. Josie was still down there and Abbadon had never really been interested in meatsuit care. She didn't force the girl down but she didn't pull her out and make her watch.

It felt odd, like a tickle in her brain. Josie would look at things and Abbadon would feel. She could feel stabs of hunger in her stomach when Josie looked at chocolate bars and her eyes felt heavy when there was a bed around.

But whenever Josie looked at Dean Winchester something inside of Abbadon itched and she needed to kill.

author:evelyncarver, drabble, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg, abaddon

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