DEW: Sonic Screwdriver

Aug 09, 2014 07:01

Sonic Screwdriver
Characters: Castiel, Ninth Doctor
Spoilers: For Changing Channels, Doctor Who
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Don't own them

"Sam? Dean?" Castiel looked around. He was in a large circular room and there were two humans staring. He stared back, maybe one of them wasn't so human after all, he felt different, wrong.

"How did you get in here?" The maybe-not-human with large ears approached and brandished some sort of device at him. It wasn't a weapon Castiel knew.

"Something's not right here." Castiel waved his hand but the room didn't waver. "No Trickster is this powerful."

The device pointed in his direction made a whirring sound and Castiel took it. Maybe it could help him find the Winchesters.

author:evelyncarver, drabble, fic: gen, dew, castiel, crossover

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