DEW: No More Toys

Aug 02, 2014 21:11

Title: No More Toys
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Words: 100

Crowley ignored the whines and complains of his demons. "All right, all right, turn everything in and get out of the way." They'd started construction two days ago and most of Hell had been boxed away.

"C'mon boss, they're my favourite toys." One of the demons caressed the soul strapped to a rack. "How are we gonna make them pay?" He moped when Crowley released the chains and sent the soul to the end of the line.

"People hate waiting in line." Crowley gathered the torture implements and put them in his pocket, he could use them on the Alphas.

author:evelyncarver, drabble, fic: gen, dew, crowley

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