Spring Fic Exchange Fic: Pride and Prejudice and Winchesters

May 09, 2014 08:07

Title: Pride and Prejudice and Winchesters
Author: Septembers_coda
Recipient: phebemarie
Artist: amber1960
Rating: PG for very mild violence and language
Genre: gen, humor, case!fic
Characters: Sam, Dean, OCs
Word Count: 3,100
Amber did a master post for her delightful art! Check it out here.
Summary: Sam’s being way too nice to Dean. Something must be wrong-something involving boring old books, really fancy, stupid clothes, and fan-fluttering, self-conscious ladies.

Dean is OK with the “ladies” part.

crossover, dean, sam, fic: gen, author: septembers_coda, artist:amberdreams, fic exchange, fanart

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