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video by
ash48 Has it been "one of those days" for you? One of those weeks? Is RL working your LAST nerve? Are you feeling sad, and you just can't manage to feel better? Has this latest winter storm pushed you beyond your limits? I've seen people on my Friends page hesitant to post their own opinions on their own journal because of the state that fandom is in lately.
Do you need a virtual hug? Or how about a giant rainbow-colored Slinky?
It has been a long time, but in the past we have offered you the chance to pop in and ask for a bit of support, be it a "hello," a cheerful gif, maybe a couple of icons to spruce up your journal, and a number of people took advantage of the offer. So here we go again! Have things been craptastic lately? Do you need advice or a helping hand with something? Do you just want to VENT, and know that somebody's listening? This is your chance!
We're here to help! All you need to do is comment to this post -- or post separately, whichever you feel like doing. No need to roll out the chick-flick moments; just tell us you're in need of some cheering up, and your fellow members (and the mods) will respond with screencaps, gifs, drabbles, a giant slinky ... or our best bear hugs!
artist can be found on Tumblr at entry at to
quickreaver for sharing the information so the artist gets credit!
Video by
ash48, made near then end of season 8 but I think we all need to see it now.