Team Diet- At Least He Tried

Feb 26, 2014 01:31

Dean’s been acting very mysterious lately, ever since he brought back that package from the post office. He’s been sneaking chemistry and botany texts out of the library. He’s been bringing torches and welding masks into the kitchen. There’s been sizzling noises, clanking noises, and once even a strange sort of bouncing noise.

Sam doesn’t even want to begin to describe the smells that come wafting through the ventilation system. But Castiel turns his face toward the kitchen from time to time, catching a scent that leaves him looking puzzled but intrigued.

Finally, six days later, Dean calls them into the kitchen. There’s three martini glasses lined up on the counter. Each is filled with an artsy arrangement of tan foam, sprinkled with small purple spheres. Long, spindly breadsticks are stuck in the foam at angles. Dean is grinning like a fool.

“What’s all this?” Sam asks.

“Deconstructed peanut butter and jelly,” Dean answers. He points to each element. “Peanut butter foam, spherified grape jelly, and white bread crostini sticks.”

Sam is genuinely puzzled, but Castiel is smiling. He picks up a spoon and scoops up some of the foam and puts it in his mouth. His smile quickly turns to disappointment, though he tries to hide it from Dean. “It’s good Dean. I can really taste the C57H104O6.”

It’s then that Sam spots the instruction manual that’s layed out on the counter, burned in some spots, soggy in others. Ah. That explains everything.

Molecular Gastronomy Kit for Beginners
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