Team Diet: Drinking Beer

Feb 24, 2014 17:35

Title: Drinking Beer
Characters/Pairing: Dean Winchester & Dr. Sexy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Eighth in the Doctor Sexy drabbles. Dean and Dr. Sexy have a beer.
A/N: written for spn_bigpretzel

Dean watched silently and tried to keep the goofy grin at a minimum as he watched Dr. Sexy pour the beer into the tall frosted glasses. It was some kind of expensive imported beer, a brand he had never heard of before. But if it was good enough for Dr. Sexy it was good enough for him.

Dr. Sexy handed the glass to Dean and waited as he took a tentative sip. “Do you like it?”

He wasn’t even sure if he had noticed the taste. All that Dean knew was that he was having a beer with Dr. Sexy.

dr. sexy, team diet, author:angelus2hot, dean

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