Getting to be a 'Hobbit'

Jan 06, 2014 19:15


Genre: Humour
Rating: K+
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester
Spoilers/Warning: Could be a crossover in disguise ...
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Still don't own them, and Santa was no help.

Sam comes across an uncomfortable sight.

Sam stopped abruptly in his tracks as he saw a hunched figure squatting on the floor of the batcave's kitchen.

Clearly preoccupied by the delicate object that he cradled tenderly in his hands, he hadn't even noticed that Sam was there, staring down on him.

Licking moist, pink lips, he mumbled softly as he caressed the treasure that had ensnared his attention so totally.

"My precious …"

Shaking his head in exasperation, Sam stomped across the floor, slamming the refrigerator door shut with his foot.

"Dean," he snorted; "you really have GOT to get your pie fixation under control."



fic: gen, author:dizzojay, drabbles

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