12 Days of Christmas Challenge - Day 12

Jan 05, 2014 20:34

Today's Challenge:  group story/art (doesn't have to include twelve characters, but the more the merrier)


Genre: Humour
Rating: K+
Characters Dean and Sam Winchester, mentions of Garth, Castiel and Charlie
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Word Count: 150
Disclaimer: don't own!

There were certain things a guy can’t unsee.

And your brother dressed as a genie, complete with gold turban, blue genie pants and matching precious jewel wedged into his navel was one of them.

Sam was starting to question the wisdom of throwing Charlie a Disney-themed birthday party, as Garth strolled by, resplendent in Peter Pan tunic and tights, looking like a green hairpin.

And who the hell told Castiel it would be a good idea to come as Mowgli, just because he's got messy black hair?

Sam sighed as he adjusted the sleeve of his frock coat; he made a mighty fine ‘Beast’, even if he said so himself; but what was wrong with his darn sleeve?

Examining one cuff, he adjusted his faux-sapphire cufflink, then the other … to find a bare metal clasp.

“DEAN," he stared at his brother's glittering midriff; "please tell me that’s not my cufflink!!”



sam, artist:dizzojay, fic: gen, author:dizzojay, challenges, drabbles, dean

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