Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 10

Jan 03, 2014 07:03

TITLE: "A" for Effort
CHARACTERS: Dean and a bit of Sam
GENRE: Humor?
SPOILERS: None, really. Set it whenever you'd like in the timeline.
LENGTH: 260 words
A/N: Wow... Ten minutes goes by fast!

Dean stared down at the large bag full of paper and ribbon and took a deep, centering breath. He could do this! This year, Sam was getting a gift wrapped like it ought to be, not just covered with the paper bag the store had given him.

He started with the ribbon. If he had a bow made ahead of time, he could just tape it on at the end. Only, as it turned out, bows were pretty difficult. Every one was either lopsided, began unraveling almost as soon as he'd finished, or were just plain ugly. Okay, fine. He had a couple adhesive bows he'd bought, just in case.

He'd found some awesome, shiny paper that he wanted to try using first. It was slippery, tore easy, and it was just stiff enough not to want to stay how he folded it.

He had another, more traditional roll of paper, but it was tricky too, and he hated how he couldn't seem to cut a nice, straight edge.

The tape was a whole other story! Trying to tear off a reasonable piece while holding the paper in place didn't work out well, but if he tried to have tape ready ahead of time, it stuck to itself or everything but where he needed it to stick!

He finally managed something passable with the last of the paper and pressed a bow on top. It wasn't quite centered, though. Maybe if he...



"You wrapped my gift with the comic pages from the newspaper?"

"We didn't have any other paper."

rating: g, sam, fic: gen, challenges, dean

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