12 Days of Christmas Challenge - Day 9

Jan 02, 2014 18:38

Today's challenge - naughty (since 11 is kinda "nice" and in honor of Multiplication Rock's "Naughty Number Nine")


Genre: Humour
Rating: K+
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Still don't own them

Contrary to popular belief, Sam doesn't own the copyright on the puppydog face.

"Dean, tonight's my TV night."

"But Sam …"

"No, I've been sitting through your car shows and porn all week; I wanna watch the civil war documentary tonight."

"But Sam, 'Death Zombie Rabies Carnage - the Director's Cut' is on tonight."

"No dude, we agreed."

"But I forgot it was on."


"Please Sammy, you can choose the pizza …"

"No. Stop pouting."

"Pleeeeease, I'm begging; look, here I am, begging!"

"Dean, stow the big eyes; you know they don't work on me."

"Sammy, pleeeeeeease …"

"No Dean, and don't give me that look."

"Sammmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee …"




*AIIIIIYYYEEEEEEE! That zombie ate my husband's eyeballs …*

"I hate you, Dean."



sam, fic: gen, author:dizzojay, challenges, drabbles, dean

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