Well, I've been sitting in all day while an engineer services my Central Heating. I thought I could spend the day constructively, doing some ironing and deep cleaning the kitchen, or I can spend all day playing on my laptop ...
So here's another drabble.
Rating: K+
Genre: Humour
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own them, and they're probably very grateful for that.
The hunt was all going according to plan, then ...
The impala sailed along the deserted highway after a less-than-successful hunt.
It wasn't that they didn't find the grave, Sam mused; hanging breathlessly out of the wide open window like a carsick spaniel. It wasn't that they didn't salt and burn the bones, he reflected; sitting as far away from his sulking brother as was physically possible within the confines of the Impala.
It wasn't even that the spirit had hurt them.
Sam sighed, fighting his rising nausea.
No, as hunts went, it had been peachy.
It had only gone downhill on the walk back to town after Dean trod on that skunk.