Bodice Ripper

Jul 29, 2013 21:25


Rating: T
Genre: Humour/(Very cheesy) Romance
Spoilers: Very vague ones for season 8 because I mention the 'B' place!
Word Count: 200

There aren't just books on supernatural lore in the Batcave's library.


"Oh Horatio,"

"Oh Japonica, my darling."

"How will I live without you, when I am forced to marry the hateful Squire Bodmin. I am doomed to a life of despair without you because he has a fortune made in pig farming. How will my heart continue to beat when it is not safe in your embrace?"

Dean licked his lips, flicking the page over to continue reading.

The handsome young Captain beheld the pale silken loveliness of Japonica's heaving bosom.

"Yeah, I bet he did, the dirty little ram," thought Dean.

"Shall I not strike out my heart," sobbed Japonica, "and let it spill the blood that surges only for you across this glade to mark our last tryst?"

There is only one heart that shall cease to beat, my treasure," whispered Horatio, "and that is Bodmin's, for I shall run the blackguard through with my sabre."

Dean smirked.

Japonica swooned into her lover's arms; "but if I lost you…"

"Hush my love," Horatio whispered, gathering Japonica into a ravenous kiss; lips fused, tongues dancing slow and adoring.

Dean turned the next page eagerly.

And to think he thought tidying the Batcave's library was going to be boring!



fic: gen, author:dizzojay, dean

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