Fanfic: Spongy Yellow Deliciousness (Gen, PG13)

Jul 01, 2013 15:20

Mods, could I please have an author tag?

Title: Spongy Yellow Deliciousness
Rating/Content: Gen, PG-13, Silliness. DOES NOT MESH ANY TIMELINES IN ANY WAY. Crack. Not to be taken seriously at all. Title is a quote from Zombieland which I have yet to see.
Word Count: 500-ish
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any part or portion of Hostess Brands or their owners or subsidiaries, of which Twinkies are a trademarked property. I am not intending to defame Hostess Brands in any way, nor am I suggesting that Twinkies cannot be enjoyed in moderation as part of a healthy diet. I will state very firmly that to my knowledge, no real Twinkie has ever contained mind-altering substances from another dimension.
A/N: Written last year (possibly from a comment/discussion here?), but I wasn't happy with it, so I let it sit and only posted it last week because I'm apparently psychic as pertains to Twinkies.

Summary: Dean returns from Purgatory to find that some things have changed.

sam, fic: gen, rating: pg, dean

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