Winchester Fun: The Poem and The Bet

Feb 03, 2013 22:11

I just found out about this wonderful community (thanks to auntmo9) and I figured, let me spread the word about two of my more humorous stories. They're a sendoff of bars, pick-up lines, poetry and what it means to be a Winchester. 'Nuff said.

Title: Winchester Fun: The Poem
Summary: Dean Winchester writing a poem? What has the world come to? Only Sam would know... Set Pre-series, right before Sam goes to Stanford.
Pairings: None, but some flirting
Warnings: Only some language
Rating: T

Title: Winchester Fun: The Bet
Summary:The boys are winding down after a hard hunt... And Dean makes a bet with Sam. Will Sam score in this one? Will Dean have to eat crow? What is going on here! Set Pre-Series, right before Sam goes to Stanford.
Pairings: Sam and Sarah McLaughlin (OC), Dean and Beth McLaughlin (OC)
Warnings: Only some language and some sensual situations. Nothing above a T rating.
Rating: T

If you like the stories, please let me know in reviews. Thanks!

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