SPN Fic: "Cat Scratch Fever"

Sep 06, 2012 10:29

I know the big summergen reveal just happened like 2 whole seconds ago, but I've been so excited about showing off the great art that angelus2hot made for me.  Some of you may have guessed that I have thing for pictures of Dean and cats :D

Title: ( Cat Scratch Fever)
Summary: Dean finds himself under the spell of some rather demanding kitty cats after another one of the Leviathans’ experiments with food additives goes awry during a small town festival. Sam’s pretty sure his big brother has finally lost his mind.
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean, plus a few cameos by other characters (no pairings)
Rating: PG for some language
Genre: Gen, Humor, Case ficish
Warnings: Spoilers for Season 7. Don’t worry, no kittehs were harmed.
Artist: angelus2hot (Be sure and check all the art out HERE. I had a hard time picking what to show in this post, because I loved all of it. Come on, I have kudzu chapter dividers! It’s awesome!)
Beta: mamapranayama
Disclaimer: Still don’t own Supernatural and still making no profit. Just for fun.
Wordcount: ~3400
A/N: This was my spn_summergen fic written for for the prompt: ‘Kudzu. Crack is more than welcome.’ by zuben_eschamali

sam, fic: gen, rating: pg, art: gen, season 7, author:lolaann1, dean

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