Title: Dean Winchester, Stranger Danger and the Big Blue Box
Author: Stolen Childe
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, Doctor Who or their respective characters. They belong to their respective creators.
Genre: Crossover, Gen-fic
Fandom: Supernatural, Doctor Who - SuperWho
Rating: PG
Warnings: Crossover, language, Wee!chesters, random beginning
Characters: Dean Winchester, The Tenth Doctor, mentions of Sam and John Winchester
Word Count: 1200
Summary: Dean hears something weird in the middle of the night, he goes out and sees something even weirder.
Author’s Notes: This piece was kind of random. I really have no other explanation that that. It was one of those things where you get a line in your head and the story sort of spring boards from there. Hope you enjoy!
Dean Winchester, Stranger Danger and the Big Blue Box