Fic rec: Stuck

Aug 15, 2012 21:52

Oh. My. God. *flails*

Or, quoting Dean in this story: Oh. By. Goth. *flails*

Title: Stuck
Author: lipsticknguns
Rating: PG
Genre: H/C, Humor, Pre-Slash, UST
Characters: Sam, Dean 
Word Count: ~520
Summary: Dean’s tongue attaches itself to a Sno-Cone and doesn’t let go.
Click here for story: Stuck
Most fic coming out of the Hoodie Time comment fic memes is angsty or dramatic or just plain painful (I myself am guilty of it :P), but this one is seriously hilarious. I can so picture every single moment in this epic, though short story <3

(I hope lipsticknguns doesn't mind me reccing!)

team dean, rating: pg, rec post

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