Title: The Professionals
Summary: Outsider POV. The guys visit a pharmacy after Dean gets injured on a hunt. Of course, their visit is a memorable one. Set in S3.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean (no pairings)
Genre: gen, mostly humor with the exception of a couple of vague references to Dean's impending damnation. I love S3!! Yes, Dean's damnation is my idea of sunny, big pretzely fun ;) Help - I needs it.
Wordcount: ~2,700
A/N: I've been wanting to do an outsider POV fic for a while and I've always loved fics where the Winchesters are faced with a regular old human bad guy and where Dean has been severely thrashed. Not sure how this turned out though... concrit is welcome. This is definitely not my usual style.
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