Title: I'm Sorry
Team: Team: Team Sam
Author: Vexed
Words: 300
Rating: G
Summary: Sam has Dean's back even when Dean wishes he didn't.
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I make no claims of ownership or profits.
Written for
fc_smorgasbord Prompt: Prompt 11 - Got Your Back
Table is
A/N: written for
weesta Sam watched with mild amusement as Dean hit on yet another barmaid.The last hunt was hard on them both they were not prepared for the ghost to be triplets. Dean being Dean took the brunt of the damage.Sam idly wondered if Dean would ever see him as grown man and not his li’ Sammy.
Sam’s musing was cut short by a man that was quickly making his way towards the bar. He had seen that look in enough men’s eyes over the years to know he was going to try to kill Dean.
Dean who at the moment was sporting three bruised ribs, a sprained wrist and a twisted ankle would be no match for a guy who made Sam look small.
Sam quickly made his way over to the bar and took the stool next to Dean. He places his head on Dean’s shoulder and stole his beer, Dean promptly stole it back.
“I am sorry, I was a bitch this morning. You were right and I was wrong you should have equal say
about our vacation.” Sam leaned in and kissed his shocked brother on his temple. Sam apologizing for something that hadn’t happened must have confused him even more than the kiss. “Can we please go back to our room now?” Sam asked as gently pulled Dean to his feet.
“Seriously, Sam what the fuck was that?” Dean demanded as they made their way back to the door.
Sam pointed at the man at the bar, “That would be me having your back.”
“I could have taken him, Princess” Dean grumbled. Sam decided to be the bigger person and let him have the last word.