FICLET: A hunter, a Busty Asian Beauty and two other women are sitting in a bar...

Jul 19, 2012 17:43

Title: A hunter, a Busty Asian Beauty and two other women are sitting in a bar...
Fandom / Genre: Supernatural / Humor
Character(s): Dean, Sam
Rating: PG
Word count: ~ 1580
Warnings: Language
Disclaimer: Do not own, not mine, no profit, yadda yadda yadda....
Author's Notes: Written for spn_bigpretzel’s Anniversary Challenge.  tifaching left a few assorted prompts about Dean and busty Asian beauties, a blonde, a brunette and pie. I decided to throw them together and give Dean his ultimate wish :P Go Team Dean!!
Summary: This is the story about Sam and Dean at the AVN awards convention. I’m pretty sure not even Dean himself could ever think this would happen.

“You said we should take a break. This is me, taking a break.”

sam, team dean, fic: gen, rating: pg, dean

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