Picspam - Sam Does Research (season 1)

Jul 14, 2012 09:09

My original plan for this picspam set was "research in the car". While there were many examples of this in season 1, I broadened the category to straight up research - otherwise we wouldn't have a pic with Sam's greyhound t-shirt. You know you miss it. As you will see, Hookman gets the "Research Award" for this season - the boys did a lot of work in that episode! ;)

The Pilot - actual research in the car. It makes my fangirl heart bubble with glee.


Dead in the Water

Phantom Traveler


Hookman - LOOK! They're in a LIBRARY!

Hookman gets the picspam award in this category because they use the internet, go to the library AND have a conference while sitting on the Impala. \0/

Hookman - more actual books

Hookman - Sam's tired of research...

Bugs - while it's not a favorite episode, I love when Sam sits on the car and I had to throw this in for gigglingkat


Then the boys split up for far too long. *grr*

Faith - research + angst FTW

Faith - side by side research

Benders - bar research




Something Wicked - *waves madly* Hi Sam's Greyhound T-Shirt!!!

Provenance - yummy, research in a dress shirt

Dead Man's Blood

Devil's Trap - we have Bobby

screencaps, sam, challenges, season 1, picspam, team sam

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