In honour of Crowley ...

May 30, 2012 19:01

Great big scary spoilers for the season 7 finale ...
(so I've hidden it behind a cut - no naughty peeking if you don't want to know ...)


Rating: T for some naughty words
Genre: Humour/Drama
Word Count: 100

Tag to the season 7 finale, we visit Crowley and his faithful hellhound in his trailer after he took his leave from Sam.

Disclaimer: I don't own Crowley, but it might be fun …


Crowley stood behind his bar and poured a tumbler of Craig. Taking a long draught, he stood, savouring the burn.

"You should've seen moose," he chuckled, patting Growley affectionately; "it was magnificent. All wild hair, black goo and sodding puppy eyes, standing there all bewildered like a bloody great tit in a trance and wondering where his halfwit brother had gone."

The chuckle turned into a cold laugh; "the human race has gone to shit, leviathans are buggered and those bastard Winchesters are screwed."

Draining the glass with a triumphant flourish, he scratched Growley's ear.

"Welcome to the new order, boy."



character spotlight, crowley

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