Title: Zeus Apple, interlude: woodstock
skiing_pelicanRating: NC 13
Genre: Humor, crack
Pairing: Dean/Cas, implied Sam/Gabriel or friendship if you're not into Sabriel
Spoilers: character spoilers for all mentioned; set somewhere in late season 5 but spoiler free
Warnings: crack, language, heavy abuse and butchering of mythology and pop culture;
Word Count: 6100
Teaser: Gabriel has his own ways of "helping" the Winchester brothers. One more cracky story where the boys have to put up with the overly productive fantasy of Gabriel. Dean/Castiel slash.
Authors note:
This chapter is inspired by
blu_3_hazewho requested a band verse of some sort. I don't like band verses very much, but the prompt inspired me anyway. I decided to make something different, but still about music and bands. I hope you like it :)
Okay… this was way before my time, so please pardon me when I get a few things wrong. :) Don't sweat it!
Also BIG THANKS to anyone who took the time to leave a prompt. If you want to see something in this story, just drop a comment at the
master and prompt post and I'll consider it. More notes on my LJ page.
Disclaimer: I only own their skirts.
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