We're taking a break!

Jul 01, 2022 19:27

spn_bigpretzel is taking a break over the summer.

We're packing up our metaphorical swimsuits and heading off to the sunshine for some R&R with these fine gentlemen, a trio of chupacabra-shaped floaties and all the mojitos we can drink.

But seriously, we're tired,  The comm is tired!  We're going to take our summer break to regroup and come back in the Autumn fresh and raring to go with new ideas and all the Supernatural fun you've been used to, only fresh, and shiny as Baby's hubcaps!

If you have any thoughts about the comm relaunch going forward, please go right ahead and pm one of your mods.  That's dizzojay, candygramme, or theymp.  Nothing is off the table - as long as there's room for it on the table inamongst all the mojitos and Dean's pie!

The comm is not closing.  If you want to post anything, feel free to do so.   We'll be keeping an eye on things, and will post when we're ready to return!

In the meantime, have a wonderful Summer everyone (or Winter if you're down under), stay safe and well and, don't forget the pie!

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