DEW: Secret Crime

Feb 12, 2022 00:05

Title: Secret Crime
Author: theymp
Prompt: DEW Challenge: Jack Kline & crime. SPN100 Challenge: secret
Genre: Humour
Characters: Jack Kline & Sam Winchester
Pairing: n/a
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Warning/Spoilers: n/a
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

Summary: Sam's overthinking his time spent with Jack. Only a week late!

Sam enjoyed spending time with Jack, and, to be honest, playing the older 'brother' for once.

He flashed his badge to the officer in charge of the crime scene. "Agent Johnson, FBI" he announced, momentarily distracted by Jack's surprised reaction.

"And my intern," he covered, smoothly. "Top of his class," he added with a surreptitious wink in Jack's direction.

"Isn't impersonating a federal officer a crime?" whispered a worried-looking Jack, later.

"We're Hunters; it's more important to keep that secret," assured Sam, internally agonizing over the ethics. I'm, like, corrupting the innocent; I really have turned into my older brother...


jack, sam, drabble, fic: gen, author:theymp, rating: pg-13

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