Crowley's Christmas Fic Exchange: Snow Days or Rocky Mountain Hunt for Dizzojay

Dec 31, 2021 14:00

Snow Days or Rocky Mountain Hunt

Author: swellison
Recipient: dizzojay
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby
Word Count: 2,270
Genre: Gen
Original Prompt: A festive away day for the Winchesters and any friends you wish to include. Mountains, hot chocolate, snow and... a hot tub!

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fic: gen, crowleys christmas, author:swellison

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fledge January 1 2022, 22:33:57 UTC
Ahhh, brilliant! A case fic! I imagine the poor ghost wasn't really trying to scare or hurt people, he either wanted them to find him so he could be laid to rest, or he was just doing his thing - skiing - and never meant to cause the accidents! At least now he's at rest. It's a good thing they managed to find all those abandoned bones, but I'm guessing they had lain relatively undisturbed under the snow all this time, so not too much scattering. I like the description of the skier, so they knew they were looking for someone who'd died a good while ago.

That was a really fun read, and I love the sound of those hot springs - that is a perfect holiday for Dean, combining one of his favourite pastimes (lounging around in the bath) with healing up all the aches and pains, and an on-site bar. Great dialogue, sounded just like them. Fun to meet Bobby at the end there, too! I enjoyed Sam being all brisk and in charge, hehe. At least his 'hand of demon death' shouldn't get him into too much trouble at this resort. It's nice to think of them getting some time off amidst all the drama!


swellison January 2 2022, 02:20:39 UTC
Thank you, glad you enjoyed my story. The phantom skier was disturbed by the new ski trail, which uncovered (at least some of) his remains. I wanted to avoid the hassles of a contemporary ghost - identity, police, recovering the bones, etc---so I made the ghost from a long time ago, freeing the boys to salt and burn it without consequences. Since Big Pretzel is the sunny side of Supernatural, I wanted a light hunt for the boys, I used Sam's 'hand of demon death' and the date of the full moon to clue the readers that this is December 2008 (fourth season). After I posted this, I realized that there's nothing Christmas-sy in the story, so I'll tweak it with a little bit of Christmas when I post it later on fanfic.


fledge January 2 2022, 09:27:55 UTC
Ahhh, of course! Those pesky skiers disturbing his 'rest'. There was a clue there, you did say it was a new trail! :D

The Hand of Demon Death (I really love that phrase, so Dean lol) did set it firmly in season 4 but the full moon swung right by me as it never occurred to me to check the actual date. Kudos for accuracy, I'm usually very OCD about things like geographical facts and distances (I did actually check for my poem that it can snow in Kansas...) but for some reason I don't bother about moons, if I want a full moon, I just throw it in there (whoops... maybe I should pull my socks up!) so yep, that's good research.

I honestly didn't notice the lack of explicit Christmas references, I suppose December, snow, hot springs etc. seemed seasonal enough - I guess you could throw in a line about the resort already decorating for the holidays, but I wouldn't go overboard, it works beautifully as it is!


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