dizzojayOriginal Prompt: In the depths of the bunker they find a bottle of “Christmas Spirit”. The rest of the label is faded, so who knows what might happen if it was opened?
Warnings: None
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: K+
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 836
Summary: The world is in for an interesting Christmas …
"Hey Sam, look at this..."
Sam glanced up from his laptop to see Dean clutching what looked like a hip flask.
“What is it?”
Dean thrust it under Sam’s nose so that Sam could read the dusty label.
“Christmas spirit dude,” Dean grinned; “how cool is that?”
Sam frowned. “Christmas spirit? What is it? Like, whisky?”
Dean shrugged; “I don’t know, I found it down in the vaults. It smells like cherries.”
Sam took a sharp sniff of the pungent smell and glanced up at Dean’s beaming face. “You found it in the vaults? Please tell me you haven’t tried to drink it!”
“No,” Dean snorted; “but I mean, c’mon dude, it’s not Hallowe’en killer zombie juice, it’s Christmas spirit. How bad can it be?”
“Dean, anything in our vaults could be Hallowe’en killer zombie juice;” he grabbed the bottle; “I’ll take that, then I can be sure you’re not going to try and drink it.”
“Hey,” Dean snapped; “I’m not going to drink it. Anyone would think I’m a freaking moron.”
“Fancy that,” Sam grumbled with the quirk of an eyebrow.
The following morning…
“Hey Sam?”
Sam looked up from his morning coffee, to see Dean step hesitantly into the kitchen.
“Hey Dea… What the hell?”
It was Dean’s swollen red nose that first caught Sam’s attention.
“Have you got a cold?”
Dean shook his head. And Sam gasped as he caught sight of Dean’s ears. Dean’s suddenly very pointy ears.
“Dean, what’s going on…?”
Dean sighed.
”Uh… well, you know yesterday, when I said I hadn’t drunk any of that Christmas Spirit stuff?”
Sam’s eyes narrowed; “yeah…”
“Well,” Dean mumbled; “I wasn’t being completely, you know, entirely honest…”
Sam’s head dropped into his hands; “Dean, you moron!”
“I only had a tiny little taste… it smelled so nice!”
Sam ran his hands down his face, and glared over his fingertips at Dean.
“Damnit Dean! You’ve seen Alice in Wonderland, right? Didn’t that teach you anything about magic food and drink?”
Dean rolled his eyes. “I only know the porn version. And yeah, that taught me a lot; but not necessarily about food and drink!”
Sam pulled in a deep breath. “Well whatever; now you’re turning into Santa Claus apparently.”
Dean grumbled under his breath and rubbed his chin which was sprouting white curly whiskers even as he spoke.
“Well, you got this crap from the Men of Letters vault, so there must be something in the files about it,” Sam mused; “perhaps we can figure out how to reverse it.”
“Good idea Sam,” Dean exclaimed, turning on his heel; “you look at that I’m just going to, uh …”
“Prepare my sleigh.”
“Your what?”
If Sam was unprepared for the sight of Dean turning into Santa Claus, complete with long white beard and red suit (Sam had no idea where that came from - and didn’t want to know), he was even less prepared for the sight of Baby with a red light glowing in the middle of her radiator grille, chock full of wrapped gifts and hovering twelve inches off the ground.
He had however, done his research, and was satisfied that after Dean had fulfilled his Santa duties on Christmas night, he would revert back to his usual Dean form and appearance.
He was so flushing that Christmas Spirit shit down the toilet after this fiasco.
Sam knew Dean had been busy packing the Impala who, it appeared, had taken on tardis-like qualities, all evening. He’d worked very hard - especially hard considering he had no elves to help him. Sam had decided to leave him to it; he’d seemed to be well in control. Sam had also noted that throughout his transformation, Dean seemed to have been imbued with all kinds of innate and arcane knowledge that only Santa and his ilk had access to.
So taking all that into account, Sam wasn’t expecting Dean to come stomping furiously into the bunkers great hall - white curls and red robes flapping in his wake.
“Damnit Sam,” Dean snapped as he came to a halt and slammed his gloved hand on the table.
“Hey Dean, what’s wrong? Forget something?” Sam looked up from his newspaper.
“No,” Dean snorted; “got everything I need. All packed up in the Impala and ready to go.”
“What then?” Sam probed; “Impala not working?”
“Nope,” Dean replied, looking genuinely affronted, “she’s running like a charm.”
Sam was beginning to lose patience. “What then,” he sighed; “what are you so pissed about?”
Dean’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Sam.
“What am I pissed about?” He growled; “I’m pissed because I’m going to spend the night driving around the world delivering gifts to countless millions of good children in every nation on earth…”
Sam shrugged. “And…?”
“And,” Dean grumbled, “and, I’m making a few last minute checks…”
“And…?” Sam practically yelled, gesturing for Dean to continue.