DEW Like the Song Says

Dec 26, 2021 16:23

Like the Song Says

Rating: K+
Genre: Family

Challenge: Winchester of choice + love
Characters: Sam, Dean
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer; I don’t own them

Missing scene from A Very Supernatural Christmas

Sam entered their motel room, closing the door behind him. Empty. Good. I still have time.

He removed the table-top tree from its packaging and positioned it in front of an iron grill room divider. Sam looped the strand of lights around the straggly artificial tree and hung the car-scent tags -the only ornaments he found at the convenience store.

He tacked the aluminum “MERRY CHRISTMAS” banner with festive white tassels on the faux-brick wall.

Last he mixed the eggnog, uncertain of the eggnog/booze ratio. Fifty-fifty works for everything else.  Partnerships, chores, last cookies….

Dean opened the door.

Show time.

sam, dew, author:swellison, dean

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