Crowley's Christmas Fic Exchange: A Home for the Holidays for Ellerkay

Dec 26, 2021 14:00

Author/Artist: jdl71/jld71

Beta: rocketmojo
Author: jdl71

Giftee: ellerkay

Prompt: Fluffy Sam/Dean enjoying holiday activities.

Warnings: Fluff, Sibling Incest, Christmas/Holiday Activities, Christmas Trees, Christmas Stockings, Kissing

Word Count: 1,597

Summary: Sam and Dean decorate their home for the holidays.

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fic: slash, author:jdl71, crowleys christmas

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Comments 10

theymp December 26 2021, 15:28:24 UTC
That was wonderfully sweet! And a lovely banner too

To quote Sam: “This was nice, thank you” ;)


jdl71 December 26 2021, 16:42:03 UTC
Thank you! I’m happy you enjoyed it.


ellerkay December 26 2021, 15:48:16 UTC
Ahhhhhhhhhh I love this SO MUCH!! What an absolute delight. Reading it felt like getting a warm hug. I love everything about it - fluffy, domestic, semi-retired boys; the log cabin aesthetic (my fave for them!!) complete with fire in the fireplace; Dean being so sweet and thoughtful and yet still very much himself (calling Sam a geek and making him wait for the surprise! PERFECT ( ... )


jdl71 December 26 2021, 16:46:03 UTC
I’m so happy you enjoyed the story. I had fun writing it and the moment I read your prompts this one stood out for me. I instantly saw Sam & Dean living in a cabin, creating a life together & decorating their first tree together. It was what Sam longed for - a normal life & something Dean would want to give him.


midnightsilvers December 26 2021, 15:59:03 UTC
Awwww this was so soft! Such a cosy scene: a real fire, a log cabin, snow, just the two of them drinking hot chocolate while classic Christmas songs play with the tree they decorated together in the background. A lovely quiet moment!


jdl71 December 26 2021, 16:46:35 UTC
Thank you! I’m happy you enjoyed it.


candygramme December 28 2021, 01:04:00 UTC
So sweet. I love the thought that they had this. They definitely have it now, in their heaven.


jdl71 December 28 2021, 18:38:01 UTC
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.


fledge December 28 2021, 09:28:14 UTC
That was a lovely heart warming, cosy, Christmas story! I am so happy they have semi-retired, enough to get a real home and start living mostly normal lives, and to be able to enjoy Christmas. I did laugh at the thought of Santa trying to come down the chimney for the stockings, and getting stuck because of the Supernatural warding!


jdl71 December 28 2021, 18:38:47 UTC
Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it & found a little humor!


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