DEW Drabble - The Kline Strain

Feb 27, 2021 20:56

Title: The Kline Strain
Character: Castiel
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: Castiel has never understood viruses.
Prompt: the DEW challenge on spn_bigpretzel - Theme: viruses; Character: Cas.

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drabble, rating: pg, castiel, author:jj1564, jack, fic: gen, dew, chuck

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Comments 4

dizzojay February 28 2021, 18:37:32 UTC
Love it - and so true, I'm sure Chuck viewed Jack and Winchesters as viruses, but he underestimated them!


jj1564 March 2 2021, 22:10:43 UTC
Everyone underestimated Dean and Sam (except Crowley!) and Chuck never took Jack seriously!


Edition 4,809 livejournal March 1 2021, 00:16:38 UTC
User candygramme referenced to your post from Edition 4,809 saying: [...] (Sam, Dean, Castiel, G) by The Kline Strain [...]


RE: Edition 4,809 jj1564 March 2 2021, 22:11:00 UTC
Thanks x


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