Title: Palas and Nangels
Characters: Wee Dean, John and Mary.
Word Count: 110
Rating: pg
Summary: Dean’s been making the perfect decorations for the Winchesters tree.
Prompt: the '12 days of Christmas challenge' on
Warning: Possibly sweeter than Mrs Butters cookies!
“Dean’s been busy today,” Mary beckoned John over to their dining table, which was covered in cardboard, crayons and glitter.
“Hey buddy, what do we have here?” John asked.
“I been making dec-ra-shuns for the tree, daddy!” Dean announced. “Dese ones are ‘palas and dese ones are nangels. I chosed dem, and mommy cutted dem out.”
“Impalas and angels? Wow, they’re perfect for our tree,” John scooped Dean up and kissed his nose. “Shall we hang them on the tree?”
“Yes, please!” Dean nodded.
John looked at the mess covering the table with a smile.
“And I think I need to phone for pizzas tonight!”
“Yes please!” Dean and Mary grinned.