Spn_BigPretzel '12 Days of Christmas' Holiday Challenge

Dec 10, 2020 22:06

It’s that time of year again, and it wouldn’t be spn_bigpretzel if we didn’t celebrate the holiday season in some way.

So this year, jj1564 and I have popped our thinking caps on and come up with something a little different…

Get ready!

In keeping with the traditional ’12 days of Christmas’, the challenge begins on 25th December and runs through until 5th January.

There’s no sign up for this challenge, and everyone is welcome to participate.

Each day, participants are invited to post something to the community, in line with the schedule below

25th December - Drabble
26th December - Artwork
27th December - Poem
28th December - Wild Card - please yourself
29th December - GIF
30th December - Drabble
31st December - One shot (minimum 500 words)
1st January - Wild card  - please yourself
2nd January - Icon
3rd January - Fic rec
4th January - Drabble
5th January - Artwork

Rules and other info:
  • You can participate on all or any of the days as you wish.  There is no commitment to participate on every day
  • Works should be themed, however loosely, around the festive season
  • All works must reflect the rules of the comm eg: must be light-hearted/positive/fun and must involve characters of Supernatural, not the actors.
  • Fic recs must be for fics that reflect the rules of the comm as above.
  • The reference to 'Christmas' does not preclude works that are themed around other seasonal holiday celebrations
  • Works should be  tagged '12 days of Christmas' so that they can potentially be collected for a masterpost
  • The DEW challenge will go on hiaitus for the two weeks covered by the challenge

challenges, mod post, 12 days of christmas challenge

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