DEW Drabble - A Soggy Tail

Nov 28, 2020 17:30

Title: A Soggy Tail
Characters: Sam, Dean, Jack and Cas.
Word Count:200
Rating: pg
Summary: A two part drabble in which Jack and Cas look for cats and dogs.
Prompt: the DEW challenge on spn_bigpretzel - Theme cats and/or dogs: Characters: Sam, Dean, Jack and Cas.

Sam came into the bunker soaked to the skin. He shivered as he put some bags on the table.

“it’s raining cats and dogs out there,” he said.

“Really?" Jack asked eagerly. He was bouncing up the stairs in seconds.

“So, we're not going to stop him?” Sam asked and Dean shook his head.

“Why should we stop him?” Cas asked. “Are they dangerous?”

“Perhaps you should check it out, Cas,” Dean replied.

Both brothers burst out laughing once Cas had gone.

“How long are we gonna leave them out there?” Sam asked.

“Well, rain can't hurt ‘em!” Dean grinned.


Meanwhile Jack was standing outside the bunker looking up at the sky, oblivious to the rain drenching him.

“Hi, Jack,” Cas said as he joined him. “Any sign of those animals?”

"Hello." Jack replied with a little wave. “No. All I've seen is water - lots of water.”

They stood side by side for half an hour.

“It looks like we've missed them,” Jack said through chattering teeth.

“It's a shame,” Cas sighed, “I've often felt the bunker was a species short.”

“Jack? Cas?” Sam called out, “come on back in, it’s freezing out here. And Dean’s making hot chocolate.”

drabble, castiel, author:jj1564, dean, sam, jack, fic: gen, dew

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