Hallowe'en Reverse Micro Bang: Sam the Cat: The Beginning (Dean's Never Been Allergic to his Brother

Nov 03, 2020 22:06

Title: Sam the Cat: The Beginning (Dean's Never Been Allergic to his Brother Before)
Writer: TheYmp
Artist: jj1564
Genre: Gen, Humour
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1300
Warnings: n/a
Author's Notes: As soon as I saw JJ164's picture, I knew I needed to write it! This is the backstory to the very occasional, very silly 'Sam the Cat' series I've been writing on and (mostly) off since 2013.

Summary: Sam's caught in the spell crossfire of what should have been a simple hunt.

Story on AO3

drabble, castiel, dean, sam, fic: gen, dew, author:theymp, rating: pg-13, halloween micro bang, crack

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