Title: How to Civilize Your Nephilim (Just Don't Mistake them for Teenagers) Gen, PG13

Nov 01, 2020 09:13

Title: How to Civilize Your Nephilim (Just Don't Mistake them for Teenagers)
Artist: kingstoken
Author: candygramme
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,687
Summary: After the fighting was done, and God had agreed to play nice, the brothers still had this big problem...
Notes: As you can tell, I am in denial!
Angus was inspired by Bob, from Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden Novels. I think the two of them are related.
The art from kingstoken is beautiful and shouldn't have been abused in such a tawdry way, but I am not sorry!

Find the fic here

fic: gen, rating: pg-13, halloween micro bang, fanart, artist:kingstoken, crack

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