DEW Drabble - Busted

Oct 31, 2020 16:54

Title: Busted
Characters: Dean and Sam
Word Count:100
Rating: pg
Summary: Ir's the annual scary movie night and Dean's planning a surprise for Sam.
Prompt: the DEW challenge on spn_bigpretzel - Theme: scary movies: Characters: any

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drabble, castiel, dean, sam, jack, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg-13

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Comments 8

dizzojay October 31 2020, 23:13:50 UTC
Dean is an utter git!
(Funny one though XD)


jj1564 November 1 2020, 13:24:03 UTC
This is so true!


fanspired November 1 2020, 03:05:25 UTC
Ha! You can't sneak one past Sam. He's too smart, and he knows his brother too well :D


jj1564 November 1 2020, 13:24:53 UTC
Yeah, it was the grin that gave it away, Sam knew what he'd been up to!


theymp November 1 2020, 14:33:53 UTC
Poor Sam, I don't think he knows what's worse, his brother all busting out without a curtain, on busting in with one! ;)


jj1564 November 2 2020, 17:49:33 UTC
Now I don't think they mind seeing each other at all!!


casey28 November 1 2020, 14:38:05 UTC
Ah, that's why Dean got the shower curtain, lol. Poor Sam! :)


jj1564 November 2 2020, 17:50:10 UTC
Yep, he was planning on doing 'the' shower scene!!


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