DEW: In Their Cups

Oct 18, 2020 01:46

Title: In Their Cups
Author: theymp
Prompt: DEW Challenge: anyone & vote/voting. SPN100 Challenge: cup
Genre: humour
Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester, Castiel, and Jack
Pairing: n/a
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Warning/Spoilers: n/a
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

Summary: Sometimes, a benevolent dictatorship seems like the only way to go.

Dean went to take a sip of his drink, missed, then tried and failed again.

"My cup'sh empty," he complained. "Who'sh fer another round?"

"Are you sure that's wise?" asked Castiel

"I think I'm gonna puke," groaned Jack. "But then, yeah?"

"Thatsh, ma boy!" cried Dean.

"Okay! I think you've all had enough," announced Sam. "I vote we head home before anyone comes down with alcohol poisoning. Again."

"You're no fun," slurred Dean. "An' who said it wassa democracy?"

"No one," agreed Sam, guiding his staggering brother firmly towards the exit, while Castiel carried an unconscious Jack over one shoulder.


drabble, castiel, dean, jack, sam, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg-13, author:theymp

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