SPN Fic: "The Great Gender Fail (of the Apocalypse)"

May 02, 2012 08:52

Title: The Great Gender Fail (of the Apocalypse)
Summary:  Set in S5. Sam goes to Bobby for help after a witch’s curse turns Dean into a woman.  The problem is, Dean thinks he’s found his calling as a lesbian. Original Prompt: Classical Genderswap. Now Sam has to find the answer to switching his big sister back to his big brother and manage to get Dean to help instead of going to lesbian bars. For the fic exchange at spn_bigpretzel
Recipient: antrazi
Characters:  Bobby, Sam, girl!Dean
Genre: Gen, Crack
Rating: PG-13 for language
Wordcount: ~1500
A/N: Blanket apology to humanity in general. This really is full of so very much fail.  Hopefully it is giggle worthy though.
***Huge thanks to angelus2hot for the amazing artwork.  Please make sure you pop over and give her some love.  Art Master Post

Click here for more Deana

rating: pg, dean, bobby, artist:angelus2hot, sam, fic: gen, author:lolaann1, fic exchange, season 5, crack

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