Supernatural Beach Party, Jack (Fun and Sunshine Challenge)

Jul 30, 2020 03:09

Title: Supernatural Beach Party, Jack
Author: Kat
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Jack & Jessica
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 152
Challenge/Prompt(s): spn_bigpretzel: Fun and Sunshine Challenge
Summary: The author is hosting a Supernatural beach party and I've summoned everyone. Jack tries to build a sandcastle.
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters and will not profit from their use.

Jack filled his bucket with wet sand just like he'd been told. The real trick was turning it upside down afterwards without losing the sand. He now had a base for his castle. Dean had told him his castle needed a moat, so he started digging. He hoped he was doing it right. He'd never made a sandcastle before and they'd left him to do it on his own.

“Hey, you might want to make your moat a little further from your castle or you'll won't have room for your wall,” said a blond woman who had been walking by.

Jack looked up. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” She knelt down “I have a lot of experience. You want some help?”

“Yes, I do.” Jack looked for the second shovel. “I'm Jack.”

“I'm Jessica. Let's give the castle some shape before we worry about the wall, okay?”

“Okay.” Jack smiled.

jack, author:kattrip033, fic: gen, rating: pg-13, jessica, fun and sunshine challenge

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