Tomorrow's the day!

May 01, 2012 16:40

May 2nd -- Sam's birthday, and the finish line for our very first fic exchange!

Artists and authors, you should all be in touch with each other -- artists, notifying your authors where they can grab your art for inclusion in their story post.  If for some reason you can't finish by tonight, please let your author know what the forecast is, so that they're not waiting on pins and needles.  Authors, if your artist is going to be delayed for a while, and you'd like to post the story without the art for the time being, we'll leave that decision up to you.

As a reminder: you can either post the story here, or at your own LJ with a linky post here at the comm.  Please don't cross-post to other comms until at least May 9.

Good luck, everyone!  I think I can speak for my fellow mods in saying we're all excited to see everyone's results!

fic exchange

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