Art: Sam is Knitting

May 01, 2012 14:14

I don't know why Sam is knitting. I also don't know what he is knitting. I suspect he does not know either.

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rating: g, sam, character spotlight, art: gen, fanart, artist:mandraco

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Comments 31

mamapranayama May 1 2012, 04:32:10 UTC
Hee hee. That's cute! looks like he's got a nice little scarf going. :D

Could also make a for a fun little fic prompt: Sam using knitting as a way to take his mind off of things -- making all kinds of scarves, mittens, hats -- maybe even some booties for Dean until he basically goes overboard and Dean has to intervene and confiscate his needles. ;)


mandraco May 1 2012, 05:21:48 UTC
You should write that. =) I bet Sam knits in the Impala while Dean is driving, and Dean tries to get him to stop, but he has to drive.


venusadvincula May 1 2012, 06:27:13 UTC
It's a beanie for Jared's colossal noggin.


mandraco May 1 2012, 09:50:10 UTC
Lol. Jared does love his beanies. I suppose it's because he doesn't cut his hair.


tifaching May 1 2012, 10:43:07 UTC
That's awesome!

You should read this fic: Impossible Possibilities (the Threading the Needle Remix) Sam takes up embroidery.

There's a link there to the fic it was remixed from which is pretty awesome too.


mandraco May 1 2012, 11:28:35 UTC
*adds fics to to-read list*

But knitting is totally more practical than embroidery.

*random thought* I did a lot more sewing as a kid than I do now.


tifaching May 1 2012, 11:39:19 UTC
In most cases, knitting is indeed more practical. I do it myself, along with the occasional cross stitch. I love the idea of Sam knitting. Boy needs more warm clothes!


mandraco May 1 2012, 11:52:46 UTC
I think they both need more warm clothes. But Sam can do all the knitting... I wonder why I've never read a fic where Sam knits. Then again, I don't think I've ever read one where Dean knits. And the only ones I've read where Cas knits are in high school AUs.

...Bobby would totally knit.


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mandraco May 1 2012, 13:09:03 UTC
They could indeed be circular needles. (I couldn't figure out where the ends went, so just left them out. Lol.) I'm enjoying imagining that Sam is knitting Dean a cardigan. Clearly Dean needs one in that shade of blue.

I think I'm pretty much guaranteed to write knitting fic with adult Winchesters at some point. Everyone else should, too. *nods* It should be a thing.


antrazi May 1 2012, 14:46:37 UTC
I read a story where Dean was knitting, but I don't think I've ever seen something with Sam. Now I have to read the embroidering Sam fic...


mandraco May 3 2012, 14:17:41 UTC
Where is this story where Dean was knitting? I don't think I've read it. Lol.

The embroidering Sam fics are great. =)


mandraco May 3 2012, 14:41:31 UTC
Thanks for the link! =)


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