This is Not the Piña Colada Song (Fun and Sunshine Challenge)

Jul 11, 2020 14:13

Title: This is Not the Piña Colada Song
Author: Kat
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre: Humor
Characters: Dean & Death
Rating: PG
Word Count: 258
Challenge/Prompt(s): spn_bigpretzel: Fun and Sunshine Challenge & FFFC: Table E: Weird AO3 Tags: 7. this fic has nothing to do with piña coladas or making love at midnight & SPN750: ice
Summary: Death and Dean continue their fast food adventures.
Spoilers/Warnings: None
A/N: I had started this for DEW: Death + being bored, but couldn't get it done in time. Also, heavily influenced by “Escape (The Piña Colada Song)” by Rubert Holmes. Part of the “Not Quite Persephone” series, but no prior knowledge is needed.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters and will not profit from their use.

“If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain...” played out over the crackling overhead speaker for what Death deemed to be the eighth time since they'd gotten there. He was fairly certain the establishment only had three songs on their entire playlist. The place was dull and dirty. A lazy overhead fan pushed hot air around. Their table was sticky, but it had been the only cleared one. All the tables had mismatched plastic chairs. Luckily, theirs was one of the few that weren't also broken.

Virtually no one was in the seating area, but the line at the order window wrapped around the block, which explained their lengthy wait time. It was also the only reason Death had bothered staying. With a line that long, the shaved ice might actually be as good as Dean claimed it was.

After a tedious twenty minutes, Dean returned to their table bearing an apologetic smile and two massive rainbow shaved ices. He carefully set one down in front of Death, before he himself sat down across the table.

Death glared at Dean with an arched eyebrow, but said nothing as he picked up his spoon. He tasted each colored stripe individually and was impressed. Dean had been right; each color had its own distinct fruit flavor and wasn't the typical nearly indistinguishable overly sweet syrups.

Dean was watching him expectantly .

“I suppose it was worth the wait, but next time, I still get to choose,” Death said before digging into his shaved ice wholeheartedly.

death, author:kattrip033, au, rating: pg, dean, fun and sunshine challenge

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