Roasted Marshmallows (Fun and Sunshine Challenge! )

Jul 05, 2020 15:19

Title: Roasted Marshmallows
Characters: Dean, Donna, Sam, Jack
Word Count: 175
Rating: G
Additional Tag: Text fic
Summary: Donna invites Jack to the cabin
Also over on A03

Donna: I'm borrowing my friend's cabin on Lake Michigan, Jody's coming up with the girls this weekend, you should bring Jack.

Dean: Thanks for the invite Donna, but I don't think that really sounds like Jack's kind of thing.

Donna: Really? Jack would you like to come to the lake this weekend? Maybe do some swimming, kayaking, sit around the bonfire at night.

Jack: Yes, I would like that very much.

Dean: Wait, who added Jack to the group chat?

Donna: Kaia.

Dean: Who added Kaia to the adult's group chat?

Donna: Claire, and before you ask, Jody added her.

Sam: Dean, what could it hurt? Maybe let Jack experience something normal for a change.

Dean: Fine, but if the kid gets sunburn, and an upset stomach from eating too many roasted marshmallows, don't look at me to take care of him.

Jack: What's a roasted marshmallow?

Kaia: Oh dear.

Claire: We are going to have so much fun with you.

Sam: Dean, I can hear you groaning on the other side of the bunker.

jack, sam, donna, fic: gen, dean, fun and sunshine challenge, author:kingstoken

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