Title: Memory Lane
jj1564 Author:
kingstoken Artist:
dizzojay Warnings/Spoilers: Takes place after 15x08
Rating: G
Characters: Adam Milligan, Michael
Genre: Road Trip, Pre-Slash
Word count: 2800 words
Original prompt: Adam and Michael decide to go for a road-trip across America, with Adam showing Michael where he lived and went to college along the way.
Story summary: Adam wants to show Michael all the places he talked about for the past ten years, so they go on a journey, visiting several sites, but Michael realizes that there is one place Adam is avoiding, his childhood home.
Author's Notes: Dear recipient this supposedly fun road trip story turned out to be angstier than I originally intended, Adam just has a lot of baggage, however, I do think it has a hopeful tone overall, and I really hope you enjoy it.
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