DEW: Bobby's Big Day

Apr 04, 2020 22:06


Rating: K
Genre: Humour
Word count: 200
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them

"Dude, can we just buy Bobby’s card, already?  I’m bored,” moaned Dean.

“We’ve got to choose the right one,” replied Sam, picking up what felt like the ten thousandth card of the day.  “We want it to be a nice surprise.”

"A strippogram!" Dean grinned, "That'd be a nice surprise."

"Dean, we want to make him happy, not give him heart failure!"

Sam spotted a card with a Porsche on it, "this one?"

"Nope, crap!"

"This one? It's a dog; Bobby likes dogs..."

"Dog? It's a rat in a collar."




"Dude, seriously?"

Sam sighed.  Thank goodness Bobby’s birthday was only once a year.




Bobby’s only mail that morning was a brown envelope.  Cautiously he opened it, expecting the worst.

Instead, it contained a folded sheet of blue construction paper, adorned with a drawing of a truck with glitter on the hubcaps. Across the truck's hood laid a creature which could, in bad light, have been Rumsfeldt.

Inside, in Dean's blocky handwriting, was written: ‘Bobby; Have an awesome birthday.  Love and respect from your favourite Morons’.

Bobby smiled broadly; staring at the card for the longest time.

He told himself it was dust that was making his eyes water.



sam, drabble, dew, author:dizzojay, dean, bobby

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