DEW Drabble: Be Prepared

Mar 21, 2020 11:44

Title: Be Prepared
Characters: Dean and Donna
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: Married couple Dean and Donna are making preparations for being quarantined.
Prompt: Written for this prompt on spn_bigpretzel DEW Theme: Quarantine; Characters: Any

Mr & Mrs Winchester

I think we’re all set.

Check list?

Donuts, chocolate, wine, more chocolate, toilet rolls, beer, pizza.

What about pie?

Freezer’s stocked, and there’s a fresh apple pie, too.

You know you’re the best wife in the world, don’t you?

You betcha! An’ I got some veggies to keep Sam happy.


And we have Netflix, as well as your….DVD collection.

Somethin' wrong with my DVDs?

Nothin’, if you wanna see Bruce Willis every day of the week.

You like him really, especially wearing just his undershirt.

Yep, but I need to see you in one, just to compare.

You betcha!

donna, drabble, dew, rating: pg, author:jj1564, dean, fic: het

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