A Duo of DEW Drabbles

Feb 22, 2020 22:50

Title: Stormy Weather
Characters: Adam and Michael
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: Adam needs to feel the wind and the rain, and to share the experience.
Prompt: Written for this prompt on spn_bigpretzel DEW: Theme: storms; Character: any character of your choice.

Adam stood in the middle of a field, knowing it was not a sensible place to be in a storm, but he needed to be here, like he needed to breathe.

Feeling the rain soaking his hair, his clothes and his skin was good, so intense and so real. The wind whipping at his face, strong enough to knock a smaller guy over…it was electric.

Adam laughed, hollering at the storm; then he let Michael do the same.

“Thank you, Adam,” Michael yelled, smiling, “after so long in the cage this is…spectacular.”

Adam agreed, as they marvelled at the lightning.

Title: A Safe Haven
Characters: John, Mary and Dean
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: Dean’s afraid of the thunder and seeks the safety of his parents bed.
Prompt: Written for this prompt on spn_bigpretzel DEW: Theme: storms; Character: any character of your choice.

“Mommy, I’m scared,” Dean whispered.

“It’s okay, Dean, nothing to worry about,” Mary reassured him, lifting him into the bed.

“What’s wrong, sport?” John asked, yawning.

“I don’t like the big bangs, Daddy,” Dean burrowed between his parents.

“It’s just the silly old clouds bumping into each other, they’re so big it makes a big noise,” Mary explained.

“Really?” Dean asked, wide-eyed.

“Really. Those silly old clouds can’t hurt you, kiddo.” John ruffled his hair.

“You’re safe, Dean, nothing will hurt you.” Mary hugged him, adding ‘yes, and all the doors and windows are salted’ to herself, with a smile. 

mary, adam, rating: pg, dean, michael, weechesters, fic: gen, dew, drabbles, john

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