DEW Drabble: Tough Hugs

Nov 17, 2019 17:20

Title: Tough Hugs
Characters: Dean, Sam and the Impala
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel DEW - theme: tough love; character: Impala
Summary: She hasn’t got arms, just tough leather seats, but she’s always loved her boys.
A/N: I also made this collage to accompany the drabble.

The first time she cradled them, they were babies in their special car seats. She remembers the way they cried, the way Mary comforted them, the way John smiled.

The first time she hugged them, they were toddlers, not needing baby seats any longer. She remembers their tiny hands and legs on her leather, their little voices laughing and squabbling.

So many times since then she’s cradled them, hugged them, given them comfort and a place to rest when they’re weary, hurt or sad.

She hasn’t got arms, her old leather seats aren’t soft, but she gives them her love.

drabble, rating: pg, art: gen, author:jj1564, dean, sam, fic: gen, dew, impala

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