Spn_BigPretzel Hallowe'en Team Drabble Challenge. And the Winner is ...

Nov 01, 2019 22:36

So, it's only been a week, but you guys were ON FIRE!
Over the course of that week, you intrepid members of Team Trick and Team Treat gifted this community with over ninety drabbles and art pieces.  They are a fantastic collection, so please go check them out, and leave some love!

But this was a challenge, and with every challenge there has to be a winner, and so it gives me enormous pleasure to announce ...

Over the course of the week, Team Treat managed to post a whopping 36 drabbles and art pieces, which in any other universe would be plenty enough to win any challenge - but not this one.

Team Trick, with a mind-blowing 57 drabbles and art pieces are our worthy winners!

Congratulations guys, you win bragging rights and a winners' banner to show the world how awesome you are!

(I think Sam and Cas were supporting Team Treat!)

So thank you all for taking part.
Congratulations to Team Trick and comiserations to Team Treat, but you're all winners in our eyes!

mod post, halloween team drabble challenge

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